Summer Childcare at Milton of Leys

Summer Childcare at Milton of Leys


Summer childcare at Milton of Leys Primary School will run from:

Week commencing 8th July to week commencing 12th August.

Opening hours from 8:30am – 17:30am.

Booking forms below can be completed and emailed to or handed into the main school office:

Childcare booking form July 2019

Childcare booking form August 2019

If you have any queries please contact Milton of Leys School 01463 773202

Thank you

Là Mòr nan Leabhraichean: Diardaoin 7mh am Màrt 2019/World Book Day


Là Mòr nan Leabhraichean: Diardaoin 7mh am Màrt 2019

Tha sinn a’ cur air dòigh latha sònraichte airson Là Mòr nan Leabhraichean Diardaoin an 7mh den Mhàrt. Bidh tachartasan a’ dol anns na clasaichean tron latha. ‘S e ‘Leughadh Còmhla/Share a Story’ an cuspair am-bliadhna.


Faodaidh na sgoilearan aodach a’ charactair as fhèarr leotha a chur orra dhan sgoil.Faodaidh iad cuideachd an leabhar as fhèarr leotha a thoirt dhan sgoil.


Faodaidh na sgoilearan aodach-oidhche a chur orra dhan sgoil. Faodaidh iad cuideachd an leabhar as fhèarr leotha a thoirt dhan sgoil.

Leughadh Còmhla:

Tha cuireadh ann dhuibh tighinn a-steach airson ‘Leughaidh Còmhla’. Faodaidh sibh tighinn a-steach eadar 10.00m agus 11.00m le leabhar (Gàidhlig neo Beurla) agus ga leughadh le do phàist no buidheanan beaga sa chlas. Faodaidh sibh aodach a’ charactair as fhèarr leibhse a chur oirbh cuideachd ma tha sibh ag iarraidh!

Bogsa Sgeulachd, comaig neo mapa:

Faodaidh na sgoilearan bogsa, comaig no mapa a dhèanamh a tha a’ sealltainn suidheachadh bhon leabhar as fhèarr leotha. Nì iad seo aig an taigh agus bheir iad e a-steach dhan sgoil Diciadain ro Là Mòr na Leabhraichean (6.3.19). Cuiridh sinn beachdan suas air a’ bhlog agus dojos.

Cuidhteas Leabhraichean:

‘S urrainn dhuibh leabhraichean nach eil sibh a’ leughadh a thoirt dhan sgoil agus leabhar ùr fhaighinn – dean iomlaid le cuideigin (feuch gum bi na leabhraichean againn airson Diciadain 6.3.19). Deagh chothrom airson sgioblachadh agus a bhith math dhan àrainneachd!

Le deagh dhùrachd

Clas 5 agus Ms MacKenzie.

World Book Day: Thursday 7th of March 2019

We have organised a special day for World Book Day on Thursday the 7th of March. There will be various activities going on within the classes during the day. The theme is to ‘Share a Story’ from breakfast to bedtime – lots of ideas here on how to Share a Story together.

Fancy Dress Costumes:

The children can dress up as their favourite character from a book. They can also take their favourite book with them to school.


The children can wear pyjamas to school and also bring in their favourite book.

Share a Story:

You are invited to come in to ‘Share a Story’. You can come in between 10.00am and 11.00am with a childrens book (Gaelic or English) that you would be willing to read to your child or a small group in the classes. You are also very welcome to dress up as your favourite storybook character if you wish!

Storybox, comic or map:

The children are allowed to create a storybox, comic strip or map that visualises a scene from their favourite book. They can do this at home and bring it into school on the Wednesday before World Book Day (6th of March).

Book Swap:

You can bring in books that you don’t read anymore and swap for some new ones. This is good for tidying your book shelves, and the environment depends on it! Have your books in to school for Wednesday 6 th March.

Le deagh dhùrachd

Clas 5 agus Ms MacKenzie


Little Princess Trust

Tha sgoilear a’ gearradh a gruaig airson an Little Princess Trust. Ma tha sibh airson taic a thoirt dhan iomairt aice tha a teaghlach air an làrach-lìn a thoirt dhuinn.

One of our pupils is cutting their hair in aid of the Little Princess Trust, any donations to the undernoted link would be greatly appreciated by the family.


You can help David McArthur raise money for this great cause by donating directly to their fundraising page –

JustGiving sends your donation straight to Little Princess Trust and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more.


Thank you for your support!

Pets as Therapy – Read2Dogs

Thàinig Ruth bho Read2Dogs a chèilidh oirnn air Dihaoine leis a’ chù Ellie. Bidh iad a’ tighinn a chèilidh oirnn gach cola-deug. Tha Pet Therapy a’ toirt misneachd dhan sgoilearan a thaobh a’ leughadh air beulaibh daoine eile.  ‘S e cù laghach a th’ ann an Ellie agus tha e còrdadh gu mòr ri na sgoilearan nuair a tha i tighinn a-staigh.

Ruth from Read2dogs came in on Friday with her dog Ellie. They are going to be visiting us every fortnight to give selected pupils the opportunity to grow confidence and comfortable reading aloud with a clear and loud voice. Ellie is a lovely dog and the pupils are always pleased to see her when she comes in.

Reading to animals, babies and teddies helps children to become confident readers.

You can read more about the work of Read2Dogs here-

Moran Taing Fabrik Magic!

Moran taing dha Fabric Magic Interiors Ltd airson an tiodhlac de stuth-aodaich a thug iad dhuinn.  Cleachdaidh sinn iad gu tric airson diofar ghniomhan tron bhliadhna, gu h-araidh airson deasachadh airson an fheill Nollaig.

Thank you to Fabrik Magic Interiors Ltd for their very kind donation of fabric pieces and accessories which will be used for various craft projects throughout the year, including our Christmas Fayre! Please drop-in to their shop to experience friendly and efficient service.