Ar Sgoil / Our School

BSGI Curriculum Rationale

BSGI School Handbook – 2020-2021

BSGI Sgoil-araich Handbook – 2020-2021

BSGI Standard and Quality – 2018 2019


Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis

Bha Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis air a togail mar phàirt dhen phrògram togail PPP aig Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd, chaidh crìoch a chur oirre anns a’ Chèitean 2007 agus chaidh a fosgladh do sgoilearan anns An Lùnastal 2007.  Chaidh dà sheòmar-teagasg ùr a thogail anns An Lùnastal 2010.  Tha sgoil-àraich innte a ghabhas 30 pàiste anns gach seisean. Tha talla-sgoile ioma-chleachdadh ann le suidheachan ann an stoidhle taigh-dhealbh agus stiùdio-clàraidh ri thaobh agus tha iad seo fosgailte do chleachdadh na coimhearsnachd.

Chaidh pàirce nan càraichean agus an t-àite leigeil sìos a dhealbhachadh airson ’s gum faod trafaig falbh is tighinn gu sàbhailte.

Chaidh an togalach fhosgladh gu h-oifigeil air 11 Am Faoilleach 2008 leis a’ Bhall Fìor Urramach Ailig Salmond BP BPA, Prìomh Mhinistear na h-Alba.

Tha 225 pàiste anns an sgoil air an t-seisean seo (An Lùnastal 2019) ann an Clasaichean 1 gu 7 agus 40 pàiste, aois 3 agus 4, clàraichte anns an sgoil-àraich. 

Dh’ fhosgail Roinn na Tràth-Ìre san Fhaoilleach 2020.   

Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis, part of the Council’s PPP schools building programme,  was completed in May 2007 and opened for pupils in August 2007. An additional two classrooms were completed in August 2010 .  The building, with nine classrooms and associated communal space has been designed for a maximum roll of 200 pupils, with the nursery area accommodating 30 children at each session.  The school hall with its theatre style seating and adjoining recording studio is multi-purpose and is available for community use.  The car park and drop-off point has been designed to ensure the safe free flow of traffic.   The building was officially opened on 11th January 2008 by The Right Honourable Alex Salmond MP MSP, First Minister of Scotland. 

The roll in the current session (August 2019) is 225 children in Classes 1 to 7,  with a further 40 three and four year old children registered for sgoil-àraich provision.  The increased demand for flexible pre-school provision, coupled with the growing school roll, has resulted in the construction of an Early Level Department which opened in January 2020.

Inverness Royal Academy, where Gaelic Medium provision is provided, is the feeder Secondary School for BSGI.